

Much of the Mender client's configuration resides in /etc/mender/mender.conf on the root filesystem. This file is JSON structured and defines various parameters for Mender's operation.

On systems where one or more of the configuration options must survive future updates, there is an optional "fallback" configuration file in /var/lib/mender/mender.conf. Because the directory /var/lib/mender is on persistent storage, the fallback configuration file is not overwritten by Mender updates.

The fallback configuration file has the same JSON structure as the main configuration file. Any value set in the main configuration file /etc/mender/mender.conf is chosen, whether or not the setting appears in the fallback file /var/lib/mender/mender.conf. The client only uses a setting in the fallback file if it does not appear in the main file.

Example mender.conf file

Here is an example of a mender.conf file:

  "RootfsPartA": "/dev/hda2",
  "RootfsPartB": "/dev/hda3",
  "ServerURL": "",
  "ServerCertificate": "/etc/site-conf/server.crt"

Providing mender.conf

The mechanism for providing the configuration file and specifying the configuration values will depend on your choice of OS distribution or build system.

If you have already built an Artifact containing the rootfs, have a look at modifying a Mender Artifact.

Environment variables

The following table describes the environment variables the Mender client respects:

Environment variable Description Default value
MENDER_CONF_DIR Configuration directory /etc/mender
MENDER_DATA_DIR Data directory /usr/share/mender
MENDER_DATASTORE_DIR Persistent datastore /var/lib/mender
HTTP_PROXY Proxy server to use for HTTP empty
HTTPS_PROXY Proxy server to use for HTTPS empty
NO_PROXY Hosts that should not go through proxy empty

The HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY variables can specify authentication parameters using the user:password@host URL format. The NO_PROXY variable uses a space-separated list as format and its items can be domain suffixes/wildcards like for example for bypassing proxy for all * URLs.

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