Advanced use cases

user guide

Low level architecture

The mender-monitor service supports the following directory structure:

`-- monitor.d
    |-- available
    |   |--
    |   `--
    |-- enabled
    |   |-- -> /etc/mender-monitor/monitor.d/available/
    |   `-- -> /etc/mender-monitor/monitor.d/available/

What is listed under the root level of monitor.d are the Subsystems (, and

The directory monitor.d/available lists the created Checks. By using create and delete, mender-monitorctl will create or delete a Check which means it will create the file in the correct naming convention and define variables within it. The name convention follows the structure:


For the examples listed one is a Check for the log Subsystem ( and the other for the service (

A Check needs to be enabled before it will be taken into consideration. By running mender-monitorctl with the enable or disable parameters, it will create a symbolic link inside the enabled folder to the right check from the available folder. From this folder, the mender-monitor service executes the defined Subsystems based on the enabled Checks.


Create a service which will count some seconds and then fail.

cat > << "EOF"
while [ $i -gt 0 ]; do
    echo "INFO: $i seconds remaining"
    sleep 1
echo "ERROR: Exiting with return 1"
exit 1

chmod +x $PATH_TO_SCRIPT

cat > /etc/systemd/system/countdown.service << EOF
Description=Countdown Service



systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start countdown.service

You can confirm the countdown with journalctl -fu countdown.service.

Now create the check for the systemd service monitoring subsystem:

sudo mender-monitorctl create service countdown systemd

This will create a file in the directory /etc/mender-monitor/monitor.d/available with the check definitions of the service name and the service type:

cat /etc/mender-monitor/monitor.d/available/
# This file was autogenerated by Monitoring Utilities based on the configuration

Then, you can enable the the check by running:

sudo mender-monitorctl enable service countdown

This command links the file in /etc/mender-monitor/monitor.d/available to /etc/mender-monitor/monitor.d/enabled. You can verify it by running:

readlink /etc/mender-monitor/monitor.d/enabled/

Advanced use cases

The following use cases extend beyond the typical usage of Mender Monitor, but they are attainable due to the tool's customizable design.

Bypassing mender-monitorctl

Since the Checks and Subsystems are represented by a directory structure there is an option to modify the files directly instead of using the CLI tool.

Using the library

You must run the following lines with root permission

To use the Mender Monitor library, first you need to source the environment with the function set provided to interact with the Mender Server and Monitor logic.

cd /usr/share/mender-monitor
source lib/

Once the environment is sourced, there will be new functions available to use. For example the function monitor_send_alert sends the alert data (OK or CRITICAL) to the Mender Server.

This function takes the following parameters:

monitor_send_alert "alert_type" "alert_description" "alert_details" "subject_name" "subject_status" "subject_type" "log_pattern" "log_file_path" "lines_before" "line_matching" "lines_after"

Alert cleaning

By sending an OK alert you can clean your alert level. Assuming you did not implement it on your subsystem, then you can force it by running a command similar to the one below (assuming a service subsystem):

SERVICE_NAME = "your-service-name"
monitor_send_alert OK "Service ${SERVICE_NAME} running" "The main process is present again" "${SERVICE_NAME}" "running" "service"

Writing new Subsystems

In this example, we will guide you through the necessary steps to create a new subsystem that monitors disk usage on the device.

First, let us start by creating the subsystem file:

cat >/etc/mender-monitor/monitor.d/ <<EOF
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2022 AS
#    All Rights Reserved
# Monitor the disk space of a given disk.
# More specifically
# DISKUSAGE_NAME=<some name>
# DISKUSAGE_THRESHOLD=<1-100> (default: 80)

In the file, it is necessary to source the mender-monitor library to enable the required functions for interacting with the Mender Server:

. common/
. lib/
. lib/
. lib/

Next, we need to validate the input it may require. In this example, we will only validate the DISKUSAGE_NAME variable:

# Parse the input
if [[ -z "${DISKUSAGE_NAME}" ]]; then
    log_error "DISKUSAGE_NAME not set, this is an error."
    exit 0

The definition of the actual command or logic that the subsystem is going to monitor comes next:

function disk_usage() {
    df --output=pcent ${DISKUSAGE_NAME} | tail -1 | cut -d% -f1

It is important to remember that each check will have a unique key to store its last alarm status. To retrieve the check name used to source the subsystem, we can use the following function:

function get_monitor_name() {
    local -r monitor_name=$(basename "${env}")
    local -r strip_subsystem_name=${monitor_name//diskusage_/}
    echo ${}

Finally, we define how and when the OK and CRITICAL alerts are generated and sent to the Mender Server. In this case, we check if the DISKUSAGE_USAGE exceeded the DISKUSAGE_THRESHOLD value, in case it does, it will send the CRITIAL alert using the function monitor_send_alert from the mender-monitor library. When the DISKUSAGE_USAGE comes down and it is no longer exceeding, it will send the OK alert.



if [[ ${DISKUSAGE_USAGE} -gt ${DISKUSAGE_THRESHOLD:-80} ]]; then
    log_debug "Disk storage has grown to fill more than ${DISKUSAGE_THRESHOLD:-80}% of the disk"
    if [[ $(subsystem_get "${SUBSYSTEM_NAME}" "LAST_ALARM_${CONNECTIVITY_MONITOR_KEY}") != CRITICAL ]]; then
        log_debug "Disk storage alarm ready to send CRITICAL"
        monitor_send_alert \
            CRITICAL \
            "Disk storage has grown to fill more than ${DISKUSAGE_THRESHOLD:-80}% of the disk '${DISKUSAGE_NAME}'" \
            "Disk ${DISKUSAGE_NAME} is now at ${DISKUSAGE_USAGE}% capacity, above the ${DISKUSAGE_THRESHOLD:-80}% threshold" \
            "${DISKUSAGE_NAME}" \
        log_debug "The disk usage is too high, but the alarm CRITICAL is already sent"
    if [[ $(subsystem_get "${SUBSYSTEM_NAME}" "LAST_ALARM_${CONNECTIVITY_MONITOR_KEY}") == CRITICAL ]]; then
        log_debug "Disk storage alarm send OK"
        monitor_send_alert \
            OK \
            "Disk storage has grown to fill more than ${DISKUSAGE_THRESHOLD:-80}% of the disk '${DISKUSAGE_NAME}'" \
            "Disk ${DISKUSAGE_NAME} is now at ${DISKUSAGE_USAGE}% capacity, back below the ${DISKUSAGE_THRESHOLD:-80}% threshold" \
            "${DISKUSAGE_NAME}" \
        log_debug "Disk usage is fine, and no need to send alarm OK"

After creating the subsystem, let us proceed to create a new check named root_space to monitor the disk usage of the root directory mounted at /:

cat >/etc/mender-monitor/monitor.d/available/ <<EOF
# Copyright 2022 AS
#    All Rights Reserved

# Monitor the whole rootfs space usage
# Report on 3/4 full disk

To enable the check, you can do so by running the following command:

mender-monitorctl enable diskusage root_space

Pseudo subsystems

It is possible to create a level of abstraction for the subsystems known as pseudo subsystems. These are predefined configurations built upon existing subsystems, designed to streamline the process of creating new checks.

Further documentation on pseudo subsystems in the form of an example.

dockerevents Pseudo Subsystem

dockerevents pseudo subsystem, can be used to generate a check to monitor any events as reported by docker events command.

The dockerevents definition can be found in the mender-monitor library source code:

cat /usr/share/mender-monitor/lib/
function ctl_create_dockerevents_subsystem_entry() {
    local -r service_name="$1"
    local -r container_name="$2"
    local -r action_name="$3"

    EXTRA_SETTINGS="LOG_ALERT_DESCRIPTION=\"Docker container ${container_name} ${action_name}\"\nLOG_ALERT_DETAILS=\"Alert was raised due to:%line_matching\"\nLOG_ALERT_STATUS=DOCKEREVENTS_CONTAINER_EVENT\nLOG_ALERT_TYPE=docker_event\n" ctl_create_log_subsystem_entry "$service_name" ".*container ${action_name}.*name=${container_name}.*" "@docker events" "$4"

declare -A SUBSYSTEMS_NAME_TO_SUBSYSTEM=([dockerevents]="log")

From the previous code, you can see it predefines the required variables for the log subsystem to function and creates the check just like a regular log check.

Using this pseudo subsystem makes the creation of checks easier:

mender-monitorctl create dockerevents scanner_kill scanner kill 16
mender-monitorctl enable dockerevents scanner_kill
systemctl restart mender-monitor

These commands will create the Check in the folder /etc/mender-monitor/monitor.d/available/. The resulting check uses the log monitor, as you can see with:

cat /etc/mender-monitor/monitor.d/available/
# This file was autogenerated by Monitoring Utilities based on the configuration
LOG_PATTERN=".*container kill.*name=scanner.*"
LOG_FILE="@docker events"
LOG_ALERT_DESCRIPTION="Docker container scanner kill"
LOG_ALERT_DETAILS="Alert was raised due to:%line_matching"

With the above configuration, you will receive a CRITICAL alert if someone or something kills your scanner container. This will lead the Mender UI to present the device in a critical monitoring state. Since there is no natural way, to recover from this situation, we are using the last and optional argument to the mender-monitorctl create dockerevents command which stands for the number of seconds after which the Mender Monitor daemon sends an automatic OK. In that way after 16s without a kill event on the container, the device will recover to a normal state.

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