Released 12.18.2024
New changes in mender-gateway since 1.2.1:
before loading configurationConfiguration for adding trusted certificate authority
The new configuration UpstreamServer.CACertificate
upstream_server_ca_certificate` specifies a path to a file containing a
PEM-encoded certificate chain of trusted CAs.
Load config from environment variables
Exposes the following environment variables to override the config loaded from the file:
This configuration skips checking the "Not After" attribute in client certificate in mutual TLS mode. Enabling this configuration is discouraged and should not be used in production environments. (MEN-7363)
Released 12.02.2024
New changes in mender-gateway since 1.2.0:
when modifying the inventory payload
(MEN-7738)Released 12.28.2023
New changes in mender-gateway since 1.1.0:
Released 02.20.2023
New changes in mender-gateway since 1.0.1:
New configuration DefaultInventory setting common device attributes
The 'DefaultInventory' attribute in the root of the configuration object sets attributes that will be appended to what the device submits to the server. The attributes will not overwrite any value that the device may submit for the given attribute name. (MEN-5853)
New configuration option HTTPS.MinimumTLSVersion
The new configuration sets the minimum TLS version accepted by the mender-gateway server. (MEN-6090)
to the mender-gateway
inventory script installed along the software. This parameter is
extracted from the SystemID
filed in the configuration file when
present. When not present, the inventory key will not be outputted.
(MEN-6287)Released 09.25.2022
New changes in mender-gateway since 1.0.0:
Released 06.14.2022
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